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Instrumental therapy

Treatment type Price

Laser therapy ~10 min 20€  

Laser therapy uses so-called soft (hygienic) laser radiation that can influence up to 7-8 cm in depth of tissue. As the result of laser radiation, the sensitivity of pain receptors falls (sedative effect), the blood supply and metabolism in the tissues improves, swelling reduces (anti-inflammatory effect). The patient feels himself better more quickly than usual. The recommendable course of treatments is at least 3 treatments, maximally 10-12 treatments.

Ultrasound therapy ~10 min 20€  

The main indication of ultrasound therapy: chronic and subacute inflammatory processes in soft tissue and joints; it also softens scar tissue and old adhesion processes.

Magnetic therapy ~15 min 20€  

Magnetic therapy has strong effect on relieving oedemas and improving blood circulation. It is successfully used for the treatment of traumas and phlebitis, and it is also suitable for the treatment of subacute and chronic arthritis.

Inhalation ~10 min 12€  

The inhalation instrument is used for pulverising the solution of the medicine into such small particles that it reaches the respiratory channels together with the air inhaled. The medicine then has the desired effect on the mucous membranes. Sputum-releasing, moisturising and respiratory channel-expanding inhalations are used for the treatment of chronic or acute diseases of respiratory system.

Mechanical massage of the soles of the feet ~15 min 13€  

The instrumental massage for the soles of feet reduces the strain of the foot vault. There are reflexogenic zones in the sole of the foot through which it is possible to influence different organs. The massage of the sole of the foot has effect on the improvement of blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism; it also has a relaxing effect, it relieves pain and improves sleep.

Local BIOPTRON light therapy ~10 min 12€  

In the Bioptron light therapy, polarised light waves are used to stimulate the biological processes of the body. It has positive and gentle effect on the regeneration ability of the body, being especially popular at the treatment of children and the elderly. The light waves used do not contain ultraviolet rays. Light therapy is indicated in case of many skin problems, including allergic and bacterial skin inflammations; light therapy also accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers.

Oxygen therapy ~10 min 12€  

A special device is used from where a person gets oxygen in higher concentration than in the ambient air. With the help of oxygen therapy, oxygen can get into the tissues having disturbed blood circulation.

Oxygen cocktail 8€  

Oxygen cocktail is the foam that consists of juice or nectar saturated with oxygen.

The cocktail gives strength, increases immunity, improves the general state of the body, increases the resistance to infectious diseases, improves metabolism, has good effect on the appearance, including the skin.

NEW! Dry carbonic baths ~15 min 18€  

The main indications are heart ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes, sleep disturbances, neuroses, thrombophlebitis, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, some forms of obesity, erectile dysfunction in men.

Lymphastim - pressotherapy 30 min /60 min 26€ / 46€  

This is a state-of -art device that effects mechanical pressure on tissues and, as the result of this, excess liquid is drained out of the tissue. The lymphatic and blood vessels are influenced with compressed air that is transmitted through cuffs.

Medyjet water massage bed ~15 min 19€  

Medy Jet is a relaxing water massage bed that reduces muscular tension and generates the sense of feeling good. Suits well for the relaxation of work stress and muscular tension and for the achievement of general wellbeing. When lying on a mattress, the customer is not in contact with water, at the same time the body is well supported and almost in weightlessness. Depending on the chosen mode, water jets copy the main movements of classical massage.

Sun room (SAD light therapy) 20 min 13€  

The SAD daylight therapy for the prevention and relief of winter depression. Seasonal depression is spread in the countries like Estonia where the sunlight is scarce. The days in winter are shorter and there is little light. This is one of the main reasons of winter depression. Special lamps imitating daylight are used to treat the depression. The therapy suits well for the strengthening of immune system, to fight against fatigue and depression. To achieve a better result, we recommend to have a course of light therapy.

Carboxytherapy 10 min 22€  

Method of treatment by subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide instantly causes vasodilation and increases local blood circulation, increases the concentration of oxygen in the tissues. Reduces spasms and muscle tension, eliminated toxins, reduces swelling, relieves pain and inflammation.

Suolahuone 30 min aikuinen / alle 15-vuotias lapsi 14€ / 7€  

Suolahoitoon käytetään hienojakoista suolatomua/suihketta. Sisäänhengityksen aikana suola kulkeutuu hengitysteiden limakalvoille. Suolahoitoa käytetään pääasiassa kroonisten hengityselinten sairauksien hoitoon, kuten astman, kroonisen keuhkoputkentulehduksen, kroonisen nuhan, kroonisen kurkun ja / tai kurkunpää tulehduksen hoitoon. Suolahoito sopii myös tupakoitsijoille ja pölyisen työn tekijöille.